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Woodlawn Confederate Dead List - Last names M - N - O
**The most accurate list available**
Maintained, updated, and corrected daily by Diane Janowski with information from Confederate descendants
Last correction made May 25, 2022

Red names have had corrections with new information from Confederate descendants

If your ancestor needs corrections, or if you would like a photo of your ancestor's grave
- please send an email to our Elmira City Historian and she will assist you - weather permitting.

Last names ABC - DEF - GHI - JKL -  MN - OPQR - S - TWi -WoZ - List of Survivors

Surname, First Name - Death date - State - Rank - Company - Woodlawn Grave Number

MABE, Samuel N. May 1, 1865 Virginia K 50th 2738

MABLEY, James H. March 24, 1865 North Carolina G 45th 2451

MABREE, J. B. August 27, 1864 North Carolina I 12th 331

MACE, Abraham September 16, 1864 North Carolina D 11th 305 Abraham resided in Burke Co., NC, where he enlisted at age 18, February 28, 1863, for the war. Present or accounted for until captured at Falling Waters, Maryland, July 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC, until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland, on or about July 31, 1863. 

MADDOX, Isham February 28, 1865 Georgia H 45th 2126 Transferred to Elmira, NY., August 16, 1864, and died at Elmira on September 16, 1864, of Typhoid pneumonia. 

MADRAY, John L. March 24, 1865 Georgia E Cobb’s Legion 2445

MAHONES, A. March 18, 1865 Tennessee A 1st Artillery 1724

MALONE, Albert A. August 28, 1864 North Carolina I 45th Sergeant 100

MALONE, P. November 20, 1864 South Carolina C 27th 941

MALPASS, O.M. September 29, 1864 North Carolina A 51st 431

MALPASS, T. D. November 23, 1864 North Carolina E 18th 990

MANEY, O.H. November 20, 1864 Virginia G 6th 685 actual name MAXEY, Obediah Henry

MANN, J. B. February 26, 1865 North Carolina G 40th 2157

MANN, N. R. March 7, 1865 Virginia C 42nd 2388

MANNIN, J. S. February 1, 1865 North Carolina H 33rd 1781

MANNING, Wallace July 15, 1864 North Carolina F 31st Shohola "Poor Wallace died in the Shohola train wreck"

MARLER Joseph F. February 25, 1865 North Carolina F 28th 2292

MARLIN, Josephus February 26, 1865 North Carolina K 37th 2282

MARLOW, Nathan January 9, 1865 North Carolina A 3rd 1225

MARMADUKE, A. October 1, 1864 Virginia B 2nd 616

MARS, J. R. October 9, 1864 North Carolina D 45th 667

MARSHALL, J.N. March 15, 1865 Virginia I 10th 1688

MARSHALL, John H. October 16, 1864 Virginia G 26th 558

MARSHALL, R. A. M. March 4, 1865 Virginia A 6th Corporal 976

MARSHALL, Robert September 9, 1864 Virginia I 10th 200

MARSHALL, William August 22, 1864 North Carolina H 13th 29

MARTIN, Alfred September 30, 1864 Texas K 4th 401

MARTIN, Daniel B. September 23, 1864 Virginia C 24th 467

MARTIN, David March 21, 1865 Louisiana I 2nd 1530

MARTIN, G.W. September 29, 1864 Georgia C 7th Cavalry 439

MARTIN, J. August 12, 1864 Alabama H 59th 16

MARTIN, J.S. November 29, 1864 Alabama A 7th Cavalry 1003

MARTIN, John October 24, 1864 Georgia B 38th 711

MARTIN, R. C. November 10, 1864 Georgia H 7th Cavalry 828

MARTIN, Robert H. August 23, 1864 North Carolina E 51st 42

MARTIN, William H. March 11, 1865 North Carolina G 45th 1844

MARTIN, William H. September 25, 1864 Georgia D 12th 364

MASSEY, Abel C. December 7, 1864 Georgia G 14th Corporal 1274

MASSEY, Joseph January 23, 1865 Alabama A 1st Battalion of Artillery 1596

MASSEY, S. E. February 18, 1865 Georgia H 16th Sergeant 2343

MATHEWS, Archibald B. February 10, 1865 North Carolina E 40th 2090

MATHEWS, J.A. May 2, 1865 South Carolina H 18th 2743

MATHEWS, W. M. September 15, 1864 South Carolina K 18th 282

MATHEWS, W.J. April 7, 1865 South Carolina H 25th 2649

MATHEWS, William H. March 27, 1865 North Carolina C 36th 2471

MATHIAS, Elsy December 29, 1864 North Carolina G 1st 1308

MATTHEWS, Benjamin H. April 8, 1865 Georgia C 12th 2643

MATTHEWS, E.J. March 17, 1865 North Carolina C 36th 1555

MATTHEWS, J. M. July 23, 1865 Virginia A 52nd 2863

MATTHEWS, J.W. May 23, 1865 Virginia A 52nd 2928

MATTHEWS, Jacob W. April 19, 1865 North Carolina C 36th Battalion 1370

MATTHEWS, Joel May 3, 1865 North Carolina C 7th 2750

MATTHEWS, William December 24, 1864 Florida 1st Reserves 1104

MAULDIN, James A. January 8, 1865 Georgia F 24th 1223

MAXWELL, John T. October 30, 1864 Georgia C 4th 733

MAXWELL, Whitford March 11, 1865 North Carolina D 36th 1835

MAY, Andrew October 13, 1864 Virginia D 14th Cavalry 699

MAY, John R. November 29, 1864 Virginia E 19th Cavalry 904

MAYFIELD, T.J. September 19, 1864 Louisiana K 2nd 504

MAYNARD, W.H. February 5, 1865 North Carolina C 47th 1904

MAYO, James March 28, 1865 Virginia D 5th Cavalry 2521

MAYS, Green J. December 30, 1864 Louisiana M 12th 1317

MAZE, G.W. April 12, 1865 Virginia K 50th 2695

MAZE, James M. June 30, 1865 North Carolina I 18th 2832

McALLISTER, E. April 20, 1865 North Carolina H 25th 1378

McANEAR, John December 15, 1864 Alabama H 12th 1113

McBRIDE, Alexander February 18, 1865 North Carolina G 45th Sergeant 2345

McCALL, H. S. October 10, 1864 South Carolina E 4th Cavalry 680

McCALL, Neill December 15, 1864 North Carolina C 3rd 1063

McCANN, Andrew J. March 12, 1865 Georgia C Cobb’s Legion 2424

McCANN, Avery F. December 6, 1864 Georgia E Cobb’s Legion 1188

McCASKILL, James March 18, 1865 North Carolina G 40th 1553

McCLENDON, F. P. April 7, 1865 South Carolina A 22nd 2654

McCLENDON, Joel February 18, 1865 North Carolina G 40th 2118

McCLENNAN, P. C. March 2, 1865 North Carolina I 31st 2020

McCLENNAN, W. P. October 11, 1864 South Carolina F Holcombe Legion Sergeant 579

McCLENNAND, R. November 21, 1864 Georgia B 7th Cavalry 934

McCLOUD, John February 3, 1865 North Carolina H 3rd 1743

McCLOUD, Neal December 10, 1864 North Carolina E 3rd 1157

McCLURE, Nathaniel T. January 1, 1865 Louisiana A 1st 1333

McCOLLOM, Angus August 14, 1864 North Carolina D 49th 128

McCOMBS, M.B. September 4, 1864 South Carolina K 18th 73

McCORMICK, Duncan July 21, 1865 North Carolina E 40th 3rd Artillery 2867

McCORQUADALE, Malcolm July 15, 1864 North Carolina I 51st Shohola

McCRAW, William M. February 2, 1865 Alabama A 21st 1749

McCULLOUGH, John August 15, 1864 South Carolina B 14th 25

McCULLOUGH, Thomas  August 18, 1864 South Carolina B 4th Cavalry Corporal 121

McCULLOUGH, William A. January 30, 1865 Tennessee H 23rd 1784

McCURRY, M. Rufus October 11, 1864 Georgia C Cobb’s Legion 580

McCURVEY, T. W. July 15, 1864 Georgia K 16th Shohola

McDANIEL, Charles January 5, 1865 Louisiana H 16th 1245

McDANIEL, W.M. June 24, 1865 Georgia F 24th 2881

McDANIEL, William March 11, 1865 Alabama I 12th 1846

McDANIELL, John February 14, 1865 North Carolina B 32nd 2169

McDONALD, D.K.January 25, 1865 Florida C 1st 1623

McDONALD, D.S. March 23, 1865 Georgia K 3rd 2442

McDONALD, Floyd February 11, 1865 Virginia I 16th Cavalry 2085

McDONALD, J.R. June 11, 1865 South Carolina I 21st 2885

McDONALD, John C. May 1, 1865 Virginia I 16th Cavalry 2735

McDONALD, Thomas August 30, 1864 North Carolina E 3rd 53

McDONOUGH, James August 14, 1864 Virginia B 12th Cavalry 126

McFENEY, Joseph September 17, 1864 Virginia A 63rd 313

McGAHEE, Samuel M. May 4, 1865 Georgia G 38th 2759

McGEE, Allison October 1, 1864 North Carolina B 2nd 411

McGEE, Isaac December 12, 1864 North Carolina I 37th 1130

McGEE, J.W. September 16, 1864 Georgia B 7th Cavalry 159

McGINSAY, John D. September 4, 1864 North Carolina F 3rd Cavalry 234

McGOWEN, Daniel S. December 9, 1864 South Carolina B 17th 1151 

McGREGOR, Adolphus September 28, 1864 Georgia B 15th 441

McGUIRE, William March 21, 1865 Tennessee B 1st 1535

McILWAIN, W. M. January 2, 1865 South Carolina F Holcombe Legion 1345

McINTYRE, J.J. March 5, 1865 South Carolina F 21st Sergeant Major 2413

McJOSH, Daniel February 2, 1865 North Carolina K 10th 2586

McKAY, Archibald P. October 25, 1864 North Carolina F 18th 736

McKENZIE, J. February 10, 1865 Georgia K 9th 1952

McKILLOP, John A. December 27, 1864 North Carolina A 25th Sergeant 1296

McKINLEY, Stephen December 26, 1864 Georgia C 64th 1287

McKINNON, Robert March 7, 1865 North Carolina F 24th Corporal 2396

McLANE, J.B. May 10, 1865 South Carolina E 11th 2792

McLAUGHLIN, R. W. November 8, 1864 Virginia E 31st 832

McLAUGHLIN, W.S August 23, 1864 North Carolina B 3rd 37

McLAURIN, John February 13, 1865 North Carolina G 40th 2065

McLEAN, Daniel March 5, 1865 North Carolina F 18th 1970

McLEAN, M.S. February 5, 1865 North Carolina F 18th Sergeant 2557

McMANISS, T.M. October 22, 1864 North Carolina B 43rd 864

McMELLAN, Peter March 21, 1865 North Carolina E 8th 1525

McMELLEN, Wafford W. June 29, 1865 Georgia K 24th 2827

McMELLUN, Daniel J. October 21, 1864 North Carolina B 51st 874

McNAIR, Daniel P. March 10, 1865 North Carolina B 36th 1881

McNAIR, William A. March 18, 1865 Alabama F 1st Battalion of Artillery 1733

McNEAL, James A. December 20, 1864 Alabama E 1st Battalion of Artillery 1078

McNEESE, William T. March 14, 1865 Florida I 2nd 2433

McQUAQUE, A. July 15, 1864 North Carolina B 31st Shohola

McQUEEN, D. M. February 22, 1865 North Carolina E 40th 2243

McRAE, V. A. March 28, 1865 South Carolina E 7th Cavalry 1856

McSWAIN, John E. April 12, 1865 Alabama E 13th 2696

McWALTERS, John April 11, 1865 South Carolina D 17th 2676 sometimes listed as McWaters, John

McWATTERS, Ancil February 20, 1865 South Carolina D 17th Services records show he died in Elmira but he is not on the burial list. Where is he?

McWATTERS, John November 9, 1864 South Carolina D 17th 834 also known as McWatters, Jesse

MEADOWS, Allen P. October 19, 1864 Virginia F 26th 529

MEADOWS, J.H. March 11, 1865 North Carolina I 5th 1863

MEADOWS, Ransom October 20, 1864 North Carolina C 3rd 524

MEADOWS, W. A. March 16, 1865 Tennessee C 44th 1686

MEDLIN, Daniel February 3, 1865 South Carolina C 7th Corporal 1747

MEDLIN, Hawkins May 23, 1865 North Carolina I 1st 2930

MELLICHAMP, James M. February 12, 1865 South Carolina A 25th 2052

MELLOY, E. April 19, 1865 North Carolina D 1st 1369

MELTON, W. D. M. October 10, 1864 North Carolina C 21st 690

MELVIN, Daniel March 17, 1865 North Carolina I 36th 1716

MELVIN, William March 18, 1865 North Carolina H 36th 1710

MENINS, John January 6, 1865 North Carolina C 18th 1232

MERCER, C. G. March 11, 1865 North Carolina A 36th 1839

MERCER, F. July 27, 1864 North Carolina G 51st 149

MERCER, J. N. March 17, 1865 North Carolina A 36th 1696

MEREDITH, John May 6, 1865 North Carolina D 7th 2373

MERRIAM, William March 13, 1865 Alabama C 1st Artillery 1823

MERRITT, John H. January 9, 1865 Virginia E 48th 1221

MERRITT, William September 20, 1864 North Carolina G 31st 342

METHVIN, Joseph C. September 25, 1864 Georgia H 64th 360

MEWMAN, Terrell February 19, 1865 North Carolina I Thomas Legion 2348

MEYERS, Joseph E. June 29, 1865 Virginia F 52nd 2829

MIDDLETON, Martin V. B. December 6, 1864 Alabama E 1st Battalion of Artillery 1192

MIDLICOTT, S. R. January 30, 1865 Virginia C 24th Cavalry 1790

MILBY, H. February 1, 1865 Virginia H 26th 1776

MILBY, J. T. May 21, 1865 Virginia H 26th Corporal 2935

MILLER, Alex April 12, 1865 North Carolina C 30th 2679

MILLER, Calhoun February 10, 1865 North Carolina A 57th 2084

MILLER, D. F. August 24, 1864 North Carolina H 5th 41

MILLER, E. C. September 10, 1864 Tennessee F 63rd 197

MILLER, Henry M. February 3, 1865 Alabama H 48th 1759

MILLER, Isaac A. December 15, 1864 Virginia C 11th 1116

MILLER, John January 27, 1865 South Carolina G 22nd 1648

MILLER, John F. October 3, 1864 Virginia I 52nd 623

MILLER, John H. January 8, 1865 Virginia K 2nd 1501

MILLER, Joseph July 15, 1865 North Carolin A 26th 2874

MILLER, N. March 13, 1865 Florida Militia 1828

MILLER, Nathaniel October 11, 1864 North Carolina E 18th 694

MILLER, Samuel June 28, 1865 Virginia K 2nd 2825

MILLICAN, Francis O. March 16, 1865 North Carolina E 36th Sergeant 1676

MILLS, F.B. May 9, 1865 North Carolina F 12th Corporal 2781

MILLS, J.M. February 13, 1865 Georgia B 64th 2033​

MILLS, M.J. September 20, 1864 Arkansas I 3rd 349

MILTON, John April 12, 1865 Virginia H 10th 2690

MINCE, J.R. March 4, 1865 North Carolina C 8th 2417

MINDEX, Enoch February 10, 1865 North Carolina H 36th 2666

MINER, Madison November 14, 1864 North Carolina H 5th 816

MINK, Calley March 8, 1865 Virginia B 48th 2384

MINOR, Jesse January 28, 1865 Alabama E 1st Battalion of Artillery 1809

MINOR, L.M. February 14, 1865 Alabama I 7th Cavalry Sergeant 2167

MINTS, William April 10, 1865 North Carolina G 36th 2605

MISAMORE, Henry R. December 13, 1864 North Carolina D 42nd 1136

MITCHELL, B. March 14, 1865 North Carolina I 1st 1673

MITCHELL, George W. September 7, 1864 South Carolina L 1st Rifles 213

MITCHELL, J.W. October 1, 1864 Virginia I 50th 408

MITCHELL, Joseph July 15, 1864 Virginia B 42nd Shohola

MITCHELL, M.C. October 31, 1864 Virginia F 26th 740

MITCHELL, Samuel December 10, 1864 Georgia H 44th 1039

MITCHELL, William A March 11, 1865 Alabama G 10th 1850

MITCHEN, E.E. May 7, 1865 Georgia I 7th Cavalry 2772

MITCHEN, Samuel D. May 13, 1865 Virginia A 58th Sergeant 2799

MIXON, A.W. February 14, 1865 South Carolina I 25th 2185

MIXON, Green April 11, 1865 Alabama A 1st Battalion of Artillery 2682

MIXON, Harvey November 30, 1864 Louisiana F 9th 1002

MOCK, Henry A. May 8, 1865 North Carolina F 13th 2774

MOFFATT, Veno October 11, 1864 North Carolina F 24th 679

MONEYMAKER, John December 18, 1864 Virginia H 25th 1068

MONGLE, Abram F. March 26, 1865 Virginia I 48th 2472

MONTGOMERY, P.C. February 5, 1865 North Carolina H 33rd 1895

MONTGOMERY, W.K.  February 19, 1865 Virginia E 50th 2355

MOODY, James E. October 11, 1864 North Carolina C 61st 578

MOON, William November 29, 1864 North Carolina F 22nd 998

MOONEY, Zilman April 6, 1865 North Carolina E 45th 2648

MOORE, B.F. April 10, 1865 South Carolina B 21st 2607

MOORE, Calvin December 31, 1864 Virginia F 47th 1325

MOORE, George H. October 3, 1864 North Carolina I 37th 620

MOORE, Isaac August 12, 1864 Virginia B 36th 130

MOORE, J.J. February 17, 1865 South Carolina A 21st 2213

MOORE, J.W. August 12, 1864 North Carolina G 45th 9

MOORE, James R. August 13, 1864 Virginia A 46th 19

MOORE, James R. July 18, 1865 North Carolina D 21st 2872

MOORE, John A. January 10, 1865 Georgia H Cobb’s Legion 1215

MOORE, L. January 30, 1865 Virginia I 25th Cavalry 1803

MOORE, William H. February 28, 1865 North Carolina G 40th 2151

MOORE, William T. February 4, 1865 Georgia L Phillips’ Legion 1738

MOOTSHEARD, J. W. October 13, 1864 Virginia H 26th 695 Family says John Wesley Mottesheard

MORAGUE, Augustus W.  October 31, 1864 Virginia G 10th Sergeant 742

MORGAN, Daniel M. January 29, 1865 Georgia C 18th Sergeant 1812

MORGAN, Elwood April 26, 1865 North Carolina B 45th 1419

MORGAN, J. N. February 21, 1865 North Carolina E 5th 2233

MORGAN, John N.August 20, 1864 Florida D 5th 114

MORRELL, B. P. February 2, 1865 Georgia E 7th Cavalry 1760

MORRIS, C. M. September 13, 1864 North Carolina B 31st 176

MORRIS, Martin V. November 18, 1864 Virginia K 26th 972

MORRIS, Richard C. September 20, 1864 Virginia D 44th 328

MORRIS, S. A. December 8, 1864 North Carolina C 1st 1170

MORRIS, Thomas November 13, 1864 North Carolina E 8th 822

MORRIS, Walter C. February 15, 1865 Georgia C 3rd Battalion Sharpshooters 2173

MORRISON, Lewis W. November 30, 1864 North Carolina G 38th Sergeant 1001

MORROW, W. M. December 12, 1864 Louisiana Citizen of Louisiana 1138

MORSE, J.P. September 2, 1864 South Carolina H 22nd 85

MORSE, John W. August 5, 1864 North Carolina G 45th 8

MORTON, William P. December 11, 1864 North Carolina I 8th 1150

MOSS, Wiley I. December 4, 1864 Georgia D 3rd Battalion 881

MOTES, Patrick H. December 23, 1864 Alabama E 1st Battalion of Artillery 1100

MOUNTAIN, William R. April 18, 1865 Alabama C 61st 1357

MOWRY, Ephraim February 4, 1865 Virginia G 2nd 2553

MULL, John M. June 20, 1865 North Carolina F 55th 2810

MULLENS, M.G. February 26, 1865 Tennessee G 17th 2146

MULLIGAN, W.H. January 26, 1865 South Carolina E 11th 1634

MULLIN, G.W. May 24, 1865 North Carolina G 49th 2925

MUNROE, Duncan July 15, 1864 North Carolina I 51st Shohola

MURPHY, J.W. February 21, 1865 North Carolina C 33rd 2235

MURPHY, L.D. February 28, 1865 South Carolina H 25th 2134

MURPHY, Marshall October 3, 1864 Virginia A 25th 610

MURRAY, Henry February 2, 1865 South Carolina H 11th 1771

MURRAY, Henry G. September 18, 1864 North Carolina E 31st 510

MURRAY, J.W. December 1, 1864 North Carolina I 8th 1013

MURWARDY, Charles D. December 21, 1864 Louisiana Citizen of Louisiana 1081

MUSE, C.G. May 11, 1865 North Carolina I 2nd Corporal 2794

MYERS, C. C. August 2, 1864 Virginia I 26th Battalion 147

MYRICH, Robert N. September 19, 1864 Virginia G 3rd 496

MYRICK, G.W. February 3, 1865 Virginia C 51st 1765

MYRICK, John F. February 16, 1865 Alabama E 61st Corporal 2199

MYRICK, Josiah April 18, 1865 Alabama E 1st Battalion of Artillery 1349

MYRICK, N. T. December 5, 1864 Virginia G 3rd 1027

MYRICK, W. H. April 25, 1865 Virginia G 26th 1416

NANCE, Joseph W. October 25, 1864 North Carolina F 28th Corporal 851

NAYLOR, Columbus December 19, 1864 Texas K 1st Cavalry 1070

NEAL, W.C. February 23, 1865 South Carolina D, H 17th 1397 also known as Neal, William

NEIGHBORS, William October 3, 1864 South Carolina G 27th 631

NEIGHBOURS, Joshua November 29, 1864 North Carolina E 42nd 997

NEILL, John L. November 25, 1864 Tennessee E 23rd 918

NELSON, J. January 15, 1865 Alabama F 1st Battalion of Artillery 1454

NELSON, John H. November 2, 1864 Alabama E 44th 844

NELSON, William A. August 30, 1864 Virginia E 25th Battalion 54

NESSE, W. April 12, 1865 Georgia C 16th 2706

NETHERLY, Robert T. October 12, 1864 North Carolina I 8th Sergeant 570

NEVILL, J. H. February 24, 1865 North Carolina K 1st 1412

NEVILL, R. H. March 19, 1865 North Carolina G 12th 1580

NEWELL, J.G. February 18, 1865 North Carolina Citizen of North Carolina 1352

NEWELL, James A. October 5, 1864 North Carolina E 45th 644

NEWMAN,  James H. December 21, 1864 Virginia A 58th 1736

NEWMAN, Joseph September 12, 1864 Virginia K 50th 191

NEWMAN, Thomas May 20, 1865 Virginia A 58th 2942

NICHOLS, Hazard March 20, 1865 North Carolina K 10th 1579

NICHOLS, J. A. September 24, 1864 North Carolina K 53rd 466

NICHOLSON, W.J. March 9, 1865 North Carolina H 22nd 1876

NIFONG, Madison September 28, 1864 North Carolina G 2nd 437

NIXON, Harvey November 23, 1864 North Carolina A 1st 929

NOBLES, J.E. February 11, 1865 Virginia F 26th 2074

NOBLES, R.J. March 10, 1865 Alabama F 12th 1854

NOLL, John October 14, 1864 Virginia F 50th 700

NORRIS, J.C. January 6, 1865 Georgia A 7th Cavalry 1242

NORTH, James P. December 24, 1864 Virginia H 14th 1109

NORVILLE, J. S. November 22, 1864 North Carolina I 35th927

NOWELL, W. N. August 29, 1864 North Carolina H 31st 57

NUSMAN, M.J. March 28, 1865 North Carolina H 8th 2494 Should be Nussman, Moses J.

O’BRIEN, Edward October 2, 1864 North Carolina F 8th Sergeant 621

O’BRYANT, William March 8, 1865 North Carolina A 24th 2366

O’NEAL, James March 5, 1865 Florida Norwood’s Home Guard 2418

O’ROARKE,  John December 14, 1864 Virginia I 26th Battalion 1120

OAKS, James November 9, 1864 Tennessee I 44th 782

ODEN, William W. W. January 30, 1865 Alabama E 1st Battalion of Artillery 1799

ODOM, Alfred November 20, 1864 North Carolina F 32nd 949

ODOM, J. H. January 4, 1865 Alabama A 1st Battalion of Artillery Corporal 1251

ODOM, J.J. February 25, 1865 Alabama A 1st Battalion of Artillery Sergeant 2276

ODOM, John H. October 11, 1864 Georgia B 35th 577

ODUM, H. A. October 24, 1864 Alabama G 12th 862

OGLESBEY, B. F. March 28, 1865 Virginia C 26th 2495

OGLESBY, Richard September 14, 1864 Virginia G 26th 503

OLIVER, J.H. March 1, 1865 North Carolina I 3rd 2106

OLIVER, Peter March 19, 1865 North Carolina D 45th 1729

ORICE, Robert T. February 13, 1865 North Carolina B 36th 2066

ORISON, Jonah October 14, 1864 Virginia I 6th Cavalr y599

OTT, William E. March 5, 1865 South Carolina G 25th 1981

OTTAWAY, R. M. May 5, 1865 North Carolina G 36th 2762

OTTERS, Cooney December 24, 1865 North Carolina B 53rd 1611

OTWELL, Jesse R. October 4, 1864 North Carolina H 1st 638

OUTLAW, John L. March 28, 1865 North Carolina C 3rd Light Artillery 2511

OVERSTREET, J.M. June 6, 1865 Virginia F 34th 2893

OWENS, D. September 12, 1864 South Carolina A 5th 178 also known as Owens, Dempsey

OWENS, Harbin October 10, 1864 North Carolina F 3rd 683

OWENS, Henry September 12, 1864 South Carolina C 22nd 1500

OWENS, J.C. March 30, 1865 North Carolina B 54th 2540

OWENS, J.P. August 22, 1864 Georgia Light Artillery 34

OWENS, John February 26, 1865 Virginia I 50th 2283

OWENS, John O. February 16, 1865 North Carolina E 53rd 2209

OWENS, Joseph August 28, 1864 North Carolina I 22nd 46

OWENS, L. H. April 19, 1865 North Carolina I 36th 1367

OWENS, Samuel February 21, 1865 South Carolina A 21st 2301

OWENS, T. A. October 10, 1864 South Carolina C 22nd 669

OWENS, W. H. March 21, 1865 South Carolina K 25th 1537

OWENS, William November 29, 1864 South Carolina C 22nd 987

OWENS, Williams April 26, 1865 South Carolina C 22nd 1424

OYLER, T. B. January 23, 1865 North Carolina H 32nd 1606​

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